Whats better than ethically made sparkly jewellery that makes you look and feel fabulous?
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Drop your name and email and be a part of a quickly growing collective of humans who like their jewellery happy and sparkly.
Bidiliia pieces are detailed in Sydney town and handmade to perfection by a family of artisans in Menorca, Spain. Using genuine Swarovski crystals and locally sources materials.
Ethical as defined by the International Labour Organisation refers to fair wage for artisans, good working conditions (health and safety), avoidance of child labour or forced labour (slavery).
However, ethical when referring to retail and fashion at large is inclusive of socio-economic implications, sustainability and the affect on our environment.
For brand Bidiliiait has meant encompassing both definitions. By respecting our artisans, our environment and your money.
We are absolute sparkle lovers and there is method to our madness.
Our brand is dedicated to creating glamorous and sustainable jewellery, ensuring that our sparkle-loving customers can indulge guilt-free. That's why we chose Swarovski crystals – they're not only dazzling but also eco-friendly and responsibly produced.